What is Stress Interruption?

If I had a pound for every client who said their mind was too busy....
When we join the gym we recognise that we don't have to be able to lift 50kg to join, there's no entry requirements. We appreciate that part of the process is training and building our strength. Mindfulness really is no different, we all have busy minds, but we can train the mind like any other muscle.
The mind is a very powerful tool but for most of us, it's become a terrible master. It's like that badly behaved guest that never leaves. It tells us off, judges us, pushes us to strive continually and it's never satisfied. When we haven't learnt to switch off we are highly prone to burn out, something I know from personal experience. So Mind21 starts by providing a practice that really helps you to take time out and switch off, even if it's just during that 20 or 30 minute session.
However, Mind21 isn't just another relaxation app!
When the body detects threat and triggers the stress response system, our mind assesses the level of threat and initiates a series of thoughts, emotions and behaviours. This is achieved by following neural pathways in the brain and we have two choices, settle everything down, or stoke up the stress response system prolonging our exposure to adrenalin and cortisol.
We create our neural pathways in response to our early life experiences and just like a muscle, they become stronger each time we follow them. Coming to understand these patterns has been hugely beneficial and empowering for me. So I've included this knowledge within Mind21 in the hope that you too can feel empowered to challenge automated patterns that prolong stress.
Whilst this information is beneficial, our automatic reactions are very fast. Transformative change comes from our ability to rewire those neural pathways through mindfulness.
The practices delivered through Mind21 target the neural pathways. You will learn to notice when your mind is getting caught up so you can choose a different response. This is how neural pathways are built and strengthened.
As we move down our new pathways, we intercept our stress patterns reducing our exposure and over time the episodes become shorter and less frequent.
Very often we analyse the external factors that make us feel worried, stressed or anxious. However, the stress response is a human process and learning to recognise the early signs and intercept its patterns can have a profound impact on our well being. Mentally and physically, stress is a very expensive place for us to reside.
Mind21 - Tackle stress and reclaim your well being
Mind21 influences how we respond to stress by introducing techniques that operate at a behavioural and neurological or habit level. Habits are powerful and whilst they start with taking a deliberate action, when we’ve taken the same action many times it strengthens connections in our brain and influences our automatic reactions. This is one of the principles of neuroscience which understands the brain as a muscle that is strengthened through our mental focus. On Mind21 you will learn to:
reduce your risk of burn out by learning to switch off
recognise the physical, emotional and cognitive experience of stress as it arises
- develop the ability to intercept the automatic patterns of stress and build new neural pathways
settle the nervous system to interrupt the physical cycle of stress
identify the mental traits that prolong stress including the power of the self critic
anchor the mind to break the engagement with destructive mental activity
understand the emotional system and how to introduce activities that balance the threat and drive systems
challenge the tone and narrative of self talk, taking a more supportive approach to life experiences
cultivate space in the mind for calmness and clear thinking
reduce mental noise to experience greater flow
take back control of your emotional landscape and mental activity

Course Format
Mind21 - 21 video modules each 30 minutes long. Each module includes a short presentation from 2 - 10 minutes, followed by a guided mind training practice. Simply set aside some time in a comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed and press play.
You start with modules 1 to 7 and each week a further 7 become available, allowing you to build your knowledge and experience week by week without overwhelm.
On completion, you'll gain access to a few little extras, our gift to you. Beautiful Journeys promotes just taking 30 minutes out to rest that analytical mind. For the mornings, there's a 10 minute meditation program, to kick start your day in the best way. You'll also be invited to enjoy one month's access to our Mindfulness Monday zoom session.
30 minutes per day for 21 days.
Easy to Use
- No turning up to groups or attending meetings.
- Pre-recorded material - full control over where and when you learn.
- New App provides easy access.
- Lifetime access - you can revisit the course as many times as you need to.
- Easy to follow - press play and follow the 30 minute guidance.
- Motivational tips to help you get the most from the course.
- Quick access to guided practices through the content library.
- 100% confidential
Lifetime Techniques
Whilst taking time out for our well being is beneficial, this course is building a set of habits and skills to help you deal with the challenges of life including:
- Recognising and interrupting stress,
- Interrupting stress through behavioural changes whilst deepening neurological habits,
- Nurturing a self attitude that supports rather than undermines well being,
- Examining the dynamics of our experience to understand what contributes to stress.
Our Guarantee
Mind21 has been created based on research and first hand knowledge of applying mindfulness within the context of stress interruption.
The program combines guided practices with theory, recognising that we learn at a cognitive and experiential level. Knowledge can also motivate and empower us.
Your own success with Mind21 is important to us so we offer you 100% guarantee that if after 7 days you don’t think the course is right for you, email [email protected] within 10 days of purchase for a full refund.
Giving Back
Once you're signed up to Just Breathe you are part of a conscious community dedicated to using a percentage of our profits to provide education and mindfulness support to communities that wouldn't normally have access.
We are always looking at innovative ways to deliver mindfulness so please get in touch if you represent a group that would benefit from a course.
"Once I realised I wasn't broken, I really felt empowered to take back control of my life."
Sign UpMind21
FREE Gifts
When it comes to well being, we believe in the power of mindfulness and so we created visualisation journeys for relaxation and a 21 day challenge to teach people about the power of starting the day with meditation. Once the products were created, we added them to Mind21 to provide additional support and options at the end of the course.

Beautiful Journeys for relaxation
Includes basic features plus these beautiful journeys for relaxation:
- The gift
- Safe space
- Body soothing
- Pleasant events by the river
(Usually £35.00)

21 Day 10 minute challenge
Includes basic features plus a 21 day challenge to keep you motivated:
- 21 Individual practices
- Just 10 minutes per day practice
- Daily tips to help you get the most from your practice
- Drip fed weekly
(Usually £35.00)

Mindfulness Monday one month pass.
Includes basic features plus one month's access to our drop in class.
- Weekly drop in session
- Zoom access learn from home
- Live mindfulness guidance
- Practices & feedback
(Usually £35.00)
What our customers are saying..

Heather (NHS worker)
I knew my stress was out of control but couldn't face joining a group. It took a couple of sessions to get into, but I'm so glad I did it. After a few days I started to notice my reactions to situations and to begin taking a step back.

James (I.T Tech Lead)
I was really sceptical about the concept but I've been surprised by how effective it's been. The first week gave me techniques I could apply instantly. Although I found some of the practices difficult, I left the course able to tune into techniques that help me manage stress. I no longer feel like my stress is out of control. It's improved my sleep and overall I feel less on edge.

Elisabeth (Pharmaceuticals Student)
I absolutely loved the theory of the mind and found it so fascinating. I used the techniques to manage my day but also followed the practices when I felt overwhelmed. I don't think I could have got through exam season without it. Thank you Julie.
The Research
There are many evidence based courses that deliver stress reduction through mindfulness, the challenge for Mind21 was how to create a program that could deliver effective results in 21 days. There was also a desire to provide a simple and attractive solution because when our lives are busy and we're stressed, we can't face the challenge of taking on one more thing.
As someone who’s experienced stress to the point of burnout and depression many times, I analysed my own mindfulness experience evaluating what had worked for me. The core take away for me was knowledge and attitude. Mindfulness is a gentle and supportive approach and often the kind tone of the guided practices offered an escape from the busyness and harshness of my own mind. I also observed that knowledge of how the mind and emotions work, motivated and empowered me to stick with the practice.
To decide on the content I studied best of breed as part of a masters research program. This included market leading courses such as Google’s “Search Inside Yourself”; “The Mindful Way Through Depression”, Williams et al; “The Mindfulness Based Living Course”, the Mindfulness Association and “The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course”, Bangor University. I looked for the common themes and practices that supported stress reduction and based the course on these.
In common with many stress reduction courses, Mind21 begins by encouraging you to take that all important time out, just 30 minutes per day to follow a simple practice that promotes well being and introduces basic skills such as recognising stress, building focus and becoming familiar with the inner voice. The initial aim is to move out of that dominating head space so the topics that prompt analytical thinking are deliberately included later on. Towards the end of the course, the dynamics of worry and identity are introduced.
The knowledge and experiential practices are designed to equip you with the skills to interrupt the patterns of stress and change the dynamics of the self talk that also contributes to stress. The course was compiled as part of a masters degree research program and the results demonstrated that in 80% of cases subjects were able to develop techniques to manage stress within the first week with 100% of subjects able to implement the course techniques in week 2.
I would love to offer these techniques to you not just for 21 days but for the foreseeable future with our lifetime access. Also, since creating the course we've developed new products to a) help people to kick start their day with 10 minute meditations and b) relax when they need to with 30 minute guided journeys. We are offering both of these products with the purchase of Mind21. They'll be released upon course completion.
Now Includes: 3 FREE GIFTS
Beautiful journeys, Challenge 21 and Mindfulness Monday pass package worth £105.00.
I'd like this offerMeet your guide
After experiencing stress for over 20 years, Julie experienced the benefits of mindfulness first hand.
Her unique exposure to the issues of stress meant that she was able to pinpoint the aspects of mindfulness that contributed to working with stress more effectively and now shares these techniques with you.
One of the pain points is definitely time or our perception of trying to fit in one more thing. This is why the course is chunked into 30 minute modules each with a maximum of 10 minutes theory.
Julie has a masters degree in mindfulness from Aberdeen University; specialises in mindfulness based stress interruption and qualified to teach with the British Mindfulness Association. Julie also has diplomas in life coaching, NLP and a masters in I.T.